Marriage is a Crucible
This is a favorite quote of mine. I'm a casual follower of Glennon Melton's blog, but she caught my attention with this post.
My marriage has lots of scars and some newer scrapes, but for the most part (one of my favorite phrases), there is a lot more realness. There is a lot more love disguised as work.
"I talk about my flailing marriage because (and a year ago I’d have ripped your well-meaning head off if you’d predicted this to me) the truth is that my marriage had to be shattered before it could be pieced back together.
My marriage was like a busted arm that The Doctor had to re-break before it could heal right. A year ago- it all fell apart. Yes it did. And I about died. But now. Just a year later – my marriage is excruciating and real and true and deep and GORGEOUS for the first time. For the very first time. It also still sucks. It hurts and burns and refuses to leave me in peace – like every crucible does.
But damned if all that discomfort didn’t turn out to be the good stuff. Like the Velveteen Rabbit – maybe neither people nor marriages become Real until the shine and newness rubs off and they look ugly and worn out to the rest of the world but real and soft and comforting and lovely to the one who holds them.
This past year has been a special slice of hell for me and Craig- and I never, ever thought it would get better. I had no outward hope for a long while – but I kept showing up, and so did Craig. We kept fiercely and relentlessly showing up. We did NOT commit to each other this past year. We individually committed to the Spiritual Practice of Showing Up."
I love analogy and truthfully, I gained strength in this post. My husband is also a recovering porn addict (under GreatnessAhead) and contemplating on divorce was a regular occurence through his journey. I could say that although this is the most painful phase of my life, the irony of it is that I consider my husband as the one of the most beautiful person I've met, if not for his addiction. I just hope that both of us will attain complete healing. Thanks so much and all the best to you.