Saturday, September 21, 2013

Questions About "Normal" Sexuality

I know all humans are sexual beings.  It's how we are made.  It's part of God's design.

But I have some questions......umm ......what is normal sexuality and what is addiction mentality?

How does a kid, whose brain is changed by porn before puberty, even have a chance at learning normal sexual attitudes and beliefs?

How can parents (we), whose entire marriage has been laced with sexual addiction, attempt to impart normal sexual attitudes and beliefs to their (our) kids?

I am messed up in this area, and I know it.   This type of messed-up-ness isn't something I want to pass down to my unsuspecting kids, yet I do not have answers to these questions.  


  1. These are great questions. I have taken a few under graduate classes on the topic. Academic research is a great place to gain some perspective. I feel like BYU is leading in attachment theory, bonding and sexual addiction. Bonding intimately (honest emotional connection) is one of the greatest buffers to avoid or repair addiction, including sexual addiction. Connection is the key. Sexual addiction is behavior representing disconnected from others. I am sure you have heard sex addiction is not about sex? It might seem crazy but that is true. Shopping addiction is not about shoes. Eating disorders are not about food. "Healthy" sex or "Normal" sex is easier then you might think. The world makes it complicated.

  2. Finding Freckles, thank you. i do want to read more on attachment theory. The stuff I have read does seem to have some answers. Maybe it is just the world making it complicated! Thanks for visiting.
