Monday, August 19, 2013

My Neighbor Is A Different Species

Does anyone live next door to someone who is organized, clean, calm, matter-of-fact, non-chaotic and stable?

I do, and when I observe how Justine lives, I feel like a different species.  It's like she is living in air and I am living in water and never the twain shall meet.

School starts pretty soon around here, and tonight I worked hard to get the offspring settled down and into bed earlier than regular summer bedtime.  It didn't work at all, for reasons such as, everyone had to eat three bowls of cereal as soon as bedtime was announced.  I was begged to read books and tell stories about me as a kid, and scratch heads and do treasure hunts on backs.  I didn't do all of these stall tactics, of course, but it wasn't quick.

In contrast, Justine told me a few days ago that for the past few weeks she has been putting her kids (some in middle school!) to bed three minutes earlier every night, so they will be adjusted when school starts.

She said it like it was the easiest thing she had ever done.  See what I mean?  I am a different species, and so are my children.  My kids would have staged a full-fledged mutiny.

I can't even say that her life is simple: she has a difficult special needs son, but boy, does she make it look easy!  She handles him with such tenderness and love it is heart-warming.

Anyway, I realize that Justine and I are each unique and we have different strengths and capacities. Regardless of species, we are both moms and friends doing the best can with what we know.

1 comment:

  1. Beware, she may be putting on a brave face. Nobody really knows the storms within the walls of our own homes. I have had many other moms at church tell me I have the patience of Job. Sure I do in front of them, but behind closed doors I am as impatient as they come. I am good at fooling others into thinking I am the top notch mom who has it all together.

    Or maybe she really is the best mom in the world. I believe they exist :) I am just not one of them.

    Just by reading about your bedtime routine, I think you are awesome!

    You are better than you think you are.

